Dry Eye Clinic & Management
Dry Eye is actually a group of conditions with a variety of causes
It may result from the eyes producing too little tear fluid, or when tears evaporate from the surface of the eye too rapidly. Your eyes are a delicately balanced ecosystem in which tears play a large and important role. Every time you blink, tears form a coating that protects and nourishes the eye’s surface.
Older adults, especially women, often experience reduced tear production. This can be caused by conditions like arthritis or certain medications. Additionally, increased tear evaporation can occur due to issues with the eyelid margins or environmental factors.
What can we do?
Mr Puri says;
“Dry eyes are irritating, and at worst, can be painful – and people need not suffer in silence! There are different treatments available, depending on the cause and the symptoms, and these are usually very effective. If you believe you have a problem, I’d urge you to get in touch for a consultation as soon as you can, so that we can start to offer relief.”
Dry Eye Clinic & Management Service details
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To schedule an eye test, simply give us a call or conveniently book online through our website. We look forward to assisting you with your eye care needs!