Urgent Eyecare Service

Urgent Eyecare Service

COVID-19 Urgent Eyecare Service (CUES service) at Chase Eyecare

Our aim is to provide urgent eyecare services directly from Eye Consultants, eliminating the need for patients to visit their doctors or, in some cases, the hospital. At Chase Eyecare, patients of all ages, including adults and children, can receive free eyecare comparable to what they would receive from their GP. Our comprehensive service covers a range of eye conditions, ensuring accessible and timely care for all.

Examples of some eye conditions which can be treated via CUES include:

  • Red or painful eyes or eyelids
  • Recently occurring flashes or floaters
  • Dry eyes, gritty and uncomfortable eyes
  • Irritation and inflammation of the eye
  • Significant recent sticky discharge from the eye or watery eye
  • Recently occurring or sudden increase of flashes and floaters
  • Painful eye
  • In-growing eyelashes
  • Recent and sudden loss or reduced vision
  • Foreign body (Something) in your eye

Urgent Eyecare Service details

Urgent Eyecare Service is most certainly an alternative to A&E, where we know some patients currently go. There are some circumstances, however, when only A&E will do:

  • Considerable eye pain
  • Significant trauma such as penetrating injury or lacerations to the eye or eyelid
  • Chemical injury or burns
  • Problems arising from recent eye surgery

You will be contacted by a clinician to discuss your symptoms further either via phone or video call to assess how quickly you need to be seen.

If require a face-to-face appointment, the clinician may put drops in your eyes to enlarge your pupils in order to get a better view inside your eyes. You should not drive until the effects of these drops have worn off, which may take a few hours.

If your condition is more serious, we will book you an urgent appointment at a hospital eye clinic. If you need a routine appointment with a hospital, we will organize this for you. You may also be advised to make an appointment with your GP if your eye condition is in relation to your general health.

  • A list of your current medication
  • If you wear glasses, please take them with you

book an eye test today

To schedule an eye test, simply give us a call or conveniently book online through our website. We look forward to assisting you with your eye care needs!